Thursday, December 18, 2008

A very NZ coup and the silence from the mainstream media is deafening

Parliament holds last debate of the year
Parliament adjourned today for the summer recess after the traditional debate which gave parties the last opportunity of 2008 to complain about each other.

Well the sorry, disgusting pack rape of the select committee process has finished. Law rammed through Parliament in an unprecedented manner since 1998, a hard right blitzkrieg of daddy state legislation culminates in an apathy that has seen a very NZ coup. The lie that the Government have a mandate in an election that wasn’t about policy but some undefined ‘change’, well NZers are starting to see that undefined change and it’s ugly, very ugly. Right to sack powers, scrapping our research and development and kiwisaver for tax cuts that favour the rich, fining parents $3000 for truant children, the dismantling of the biofuel industry, the throwing open of Coal fuelled environment destroying power stations and populist bail and parole laws lowering the risk threshold so that hanging judges can lock more and more people up for longer and longer resulting in our overcrowded prison system becoming even more dangerous and introducing Dick Cheney’s private prison system as the solution. And throughout this entire disgusting abuse of power not a word from the mainstream media, they are blind, deaf and dumb on this entire issue, deciding instead to focus on Politicians calling mistaking eachother with different names – ARE YOU KIDDING ME – I don’t want to hear about how they got eachothers roles wrong I want to focus on this pack rape of the select committee, the mainstream medias silence is deafening.

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