Sunday, September 28, 2008

Whitey wins again?

National to dump Maori seats in 2014 and MMP in 2011
National wants to scrap the Maori seats in Parliament once all historical Treaty settlements are sorted. By the party's timeline that process could start in 2014. Leader John Key released Treaty negotiations, Maori affairs and electoral law policies yesterday. Under the first, the party wants to settle all historical Treaty settlements by 2014. The electoral policy would see the seven Maori seats abolished once that is accomplished.

National are well placed to make sure white rule is here to stay, dumping the Maori seats and trying to snuff out MMP eliminates the leaps we have made in representative democracy and will stunt the nation in ways that few political parties have managed to achieve. The misplaced belief that there was ever a promise to hold a referendum on MMP has given legitimacy to dismantling an electoral system that has forced white rich old men to share power in Parliament, by reverting back to Nationals preference of First Past the Post we are taking a great leap backwards, the release of policy that advocates the abolition of the Maori seats has provoked a sharp response from Tariana who I’m sure after her current snuggling with John Key has been taken aback that her possible ‘Treaty Partner’ has medium term plans to not only scrap the electoral mechanism that gives Maoridom a voice, but also change the representative nature of our democracy, when you do a deal with the devil Tariana, the Devil doesn’t change, you do. Of course the abolition of the Maori seats could just be raw meat for National’s more redneck fringe, Mathew Hooten only 3 weeks ago was telling me on Eye to Eye that National had no intention of dumping the Maori seats, they only had the policy to keep the more crazy National supporters happy. With National privately cuddling the Maori Party while publicly threatening them it will be interesting to see how Pita Sharples explains all this on Let’s be Frank on Alt Tv tomorrow night.

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